6 03, 2018

How Do Electronic Billboards Work?

By |2021-10-26T10:36:55-06:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: Led Billboards|0 Comments

If you are considering using a digital billboard for advertising purposes, you may be curious to know how electronic billboards work before making the investment. Perhaps you’ve been impressed by the vibrant and bright lights used in a digital billboard you’ve passed on the highway or while sitting in local traffic. Digital billboards are made with light emitting diodes that are responsible for making billboards so eye-catching and unique. In fact, they are quickly replacing traditional 2 dimensional billboards that are flat and predictable. We have all seen traditional billboards over the years so many times that we tune them out when we pass by. If you are looking for a way to grab your audience’s attention, an electronic billboard is an easy, low-maintenance way to create buzz.

How Do Electronic Billboards Work

Electronic billboards are very popular, for various reasons

Electronic billboards are popular for a number of reasons, one being that you can display multiple messages and images throughout the day on one billboard. In a way, you are getting multiple billboards in one. Installing a digital billboard is fairly simple and straightforward, no matter the size. Genoptic Smart Displays has been in business for over 10 years and boasts some of the strongest customer service in the business. We walk our clients through every step of the process as they select the type of signage that will help them meet their goals, installation, maintenance, and beyond. We are dedicated to each one of our customers and are committed to their satisfaction. For questions regarding software or how electronic billboards work, we would be more than happy to discuss your options with you. Installing and using digital billboards is fairly easy.

If you are looking for a convenient and fairly easy way to promote a lesson, electronic billboards are highly effective and allow you to change out messaging from the comfort of your home or office.

For quick access to more information, support or a quote on digital billboards and signs, please contact us, today.

Digital Signage Quote

8 02, 2018

Digital Church Signs for Today’s Churches

By |2021-09-20T11:47:33-06:00February 8th, 2018|Categories: Led Billboards|0 Comments

Focusing on ministry and fellowship, most churches consider marketing the area where they need the most help. Genoptic Smart Displays has helped churches increase their exposure by using easy and affordable outdoor church electronic signs. LED church signs have helped so many of our customers advertise the date and time of services, as well as spread positive messages or share scriptures to passersby. Digital church LED signs will be one of the best investments your church could make, given the relative affordability compared with other avenues for marketing.

Digital Church Signs for Todays Churches

Each LED billboard sign is made with integrated technologies to protect the vibrancy and clarity of each billboard. We manufacturer signs that are superior in design and quality, using the latest LED technologies, to ensure that your billboard maintains its eye-popping appeal for years to come. Our digital church signs’ bulbs will not dull even during the harshest winter seasons. Garnering attention to your church has never been easier, not to mention affordable.

Our Church LED billboards have engineered superior quality displays

Cost is on the mind of most churches who are looking into digital church signs to spread the word of who they are. We have developed in-house proprietary software with technical service and support for a lifetime to our customers. To speak with total candor – customers get a lot of bang for their buck when they choose Genoptic Smart Displays outdoor church signs. Our LED billboards are available in 10 MM high resolution, 16 MM high resolution, and 20 MM high resolution options. Our experts will consult with you to discuss which option makes the most sense for your church.

Attract new members to your congregation

Regardless of your church’s size or location, we are confident that Genoptic Smart Displays can help you attract new members to your congregation. We realize how difficult it can be for churches to develop communications strategies to attract members of the community, especially when operating on a tight budget like so many churches do so. Vibrant, eye-catching, and clear, Genoptic Smart Displays digital church signs are the best way to draw members of the community into your doors.

For quick access to more information, support or a quote on digital church signs, please contact us, today.

Digital Signage Quote

20 11, 2017

LED Billboards and Message Signs for Highway Drivers

By |2017-11-20T11:36:39-07:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Led Billboards|0 Comments

Companies and businesses considering using LED signage as part of their marketing strategy often times wonder if this mode of marketing is effective during the winter months, when snow and hail are every day realities. The true question becomes, can LED billboards and messages hold up against the cold temperatures of a North Dakota or Minnesota winter?

LED Billboards Message Signs Highway Drivers

LED Sign Supply makes sure that each billboard is made from the finest materials, with craftsmanship that can carry through even the harshest winter. The bright bulbs in your LED signage will hold up in the face of daily hail and snow, allowing you to continue to promote your message and brand to the general audience on the road.

Perhaps you’ve never considered it before but LED signage can help increase road safety, with reminders to drivers about everything from drunk driving to texting while driving. Making drivers aware of accidents and possible detours is one helpful purpose of LED billboards and messaging on major highways in the United States. They are also a helpful way to remind drivers about an upcoming toll and alert them of possible delays on the road. LED signage becomes particularly important during the winter when drivers’ visibility is hindered by snow and hail. LED Sign Supply purposefully created top quality billboards and messaging that are made with bright bulbs that will not dull, even in the face of repeated snow and hail during the harsh winter months. It seems impossible right? Folks are surprised to know that quality messaging can withstand the repeated hits without suffering a loss of quality.

Highways especially can be one of the most dangerous places to be in a snowstorm. Thankfully, LED signage allows for messages to be broadcast to everyone on the road regarding upcoming traffic, including safety warnings. It’s comforting to think about the lives saved from a message regarding the dangers and consequences of drunk driver or texting while driving, broadcast from an LED billboard or sign on the highway. More than just a means to advertise, LED signage is also responsible for keeping folks on the road safe.

31 10, 2017

LED Message Boards for School Cafeterias & Schools

By |2022-06-20T12:53:15-06:00October 31st, 2017|Categories: Led Billboards, School Signs|0 Comments

electronic message school signs



With so many options and specials changing on a daily basis, led message boards are a “must have” for school cafeterias. In the last 10 years that we’ve been in business, Genoptic Smart Displays has helped countless businesses, churches, and even schools use LED sign technology to enhance their marketing and communications efforts. K-12 Schools use their led signage to advertise for everything from the school play to sports games to the daily special at the cafeteria. A digital menu is one of the easiest, most cost effective ways to keep students up to date on the latest offerings. When not being used to advertise daily specials, led signage can be used to make announcements and alerts to students, weather, and reminding the student body about upcoming scheduled activities. Investing in one or more LED message boards for your school makes sense, given that there are so many different uses for them.

LED Billboards enhances the communication between the school and parents

Our LED billboards are eye-catching, east to read, vibrant, and are made with superior craftsmanship and the latest technology. Placing a LED sign or billboard in front of your school can inspire conversation among parents and students in the “pick up” line, increasing the level of communication between students and parents and parents and the school. Genoptic Smart Displays has helped many schools, K-12, implement this technology to enhance the communication between the school and parents and strengthen the school’s brand within the community as well.

In a school cafeteria, the lunch lines can become quite long during peak hours. How does a LED message board for a school make your life easier? For one, students can make their way through the line when the offerings and prices are readily available and visible to students. Integrating led signage into your campus culture will make communication clearer and will increase efficiency on your campus.

Digital Programable signs for schools

K-12 schools are realizing how successful and simple it is to employ LED billboards and electronic signs to communicate with their students and the general public.

Marketing is a difficult task for many colleges. It’s difficult to know how to publicize school gatherings, sporting events, holidays, and other special occasions, especially if your administrators have little marketing experience. One of the simplest methods to publicize what’s going on at your school is to use LED signs. With little effort on your part, students and their parents will become “in the know.”

LED signage is one of the easiest ways to advertise what is going on at your school.

What is the best approach for a school to congratulate students or faculty members on their accomplishments? How do you publicize sporting events, school gatherings, dances, and fundraising events? Many schools send out e-newsletters to students and parents to relay essential information, yet many of these newsletters end up in the virtual dustbin. Because they are inevitable, LED billboards and electronic message signs for schools are extremely effective. The messaging on the LED billboards and advertising out front cannot be avoided by parents in the student “pick-up” line.

Digital LED Sign for Schools

LED Message Boards -Lifetime of free technical support

Our technology is user-friendly and comes with a lifetime of free technical support in case anything goes wrong. Our customer services goes unparalleled in the market. We take great pride in providing a high touch customer service experience for customers spanning across a wide range of different industries including large-scale corporations to small businesses, churches, and schools.

We enjoy helping schools maximize the uses of led signage with an outdoor electronic sign for the school. The school cafeteria is a great spot as well as in front of the school where they can target parents and students with school announcements, spotlights of faculty and staff, and reminders about rules and safety precautions. Changing content is easy and intuitive and can be done on a daily basis! Being able to get relevant and timely information out to students and parents via LED signage is much easier than producing a newsletter with the same information. With so many varying uses, it’s no wonder that schools are catching on to led signage and all of its benefits.



For quick access to more information, support or a quote on any of our LED electronic sings for schools, please contact us, today.

Digital Signage Quote



20 10, 2017

Best Places in Big Cities to Use LED Billboards

By |2017-10-20T06:27:40-06:00October 20th, 2017|Categories: Led Billboards|0 Comments

Genoptic Smart Displays is helping companies, including large retailers and smaller-scale businesses use LED billboards to grow their brands in large US cities including Houston, Dallas and Orlando to name a few. Providing some of the highest standard digital signs in the industry, Genoptic Smart Displays works with individual clients to decide which signage options and placement is ideal in order for the company to meet their specific goal for growth.

Bright LED Billboard Messaging Systems & Displays

Where is the best placement for an LED Billboard?

The first question to consider is what demographic of people you are trying to market. If your goal is to advertise to the general public, then any high traffic area such as a freeway or highway is ideal. As consumers sit in traffic for hours each day, they are inadvertently exposed to your advertising – often times without even realizing! Daily exposure to your message, product, or services will make them more likely to buy. Your brand becomes recognizable, familiar, and overtime consumers in large urban cities will become exposed to your brand.

LED billboards are one popular option provided through Genoptic Smart Displays. The retailer also offers a wide variety of outdoor LED billboards that allow for more intentional, targeted marketing if there is one specific demographic you intend to target.

Outdoor LED Billboard Manufacturers

LED Billboards or Effective and Have Options

While it’s wise to invest in a few different forms of advertising as part of your company’s overall long-term marketing scheme, billboards will never lose their effectiveness. Through billboard advertising, companies are able to set themselves apart and bring in far more people than other modes of marketing. Led billboard advertising is an eye-catching and effective way to grow your brand, especially in urban cities where advertising is everywhere in your face on a daily basis. Available at some of the lowest prices found on the market, our customers are loyal and appreciate our strong commitment to customer service and accessibility.



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