With so many options and specials changing on a daily basis, led message boards are a “must have” for school cafeterias. In the last 10 years that we’ve been in business, Genoptic Smart Displays has helped countless businesses, churches, and even schools use LED sign technology to enhance their marketing and communications efforts. K-12 Schools use their led signage to advertise for everything from the school play to sports games to the daily special at the cafeteria. A digital menu is one of the easiest, most cost effective ways to keep students up to date on the latest offerings. When not being used to advertise daily specials, led signage can be used to make announcements and alerts to students, weather, and reminding the student body about upcoming scheduled activities. Investing in one or more LED message boards for your school makes sense, given that there are so many different uses for them.
LED Billboards enhances the communication between the school and parents
Our LED billboards are eye-catching, east to read, vibrant, and are made with superior craftsmanship and the latest technology. Placing a LED sign or billboard in front of your school can inspire conversation among parents and students in the “pick up” line, increasing the level of communication between students and parents and parents and the school. Genoptic Smart Displays has helped many schools, K-12, implement this technology to enhance the communication between the school and parents and strengthen the school’s brand within the community as well.
In a school cafeteria, the lunch lines can become quite long during peak hours. How does a LED message board for a school make your life easier? For one, students can make their way through the line when the offerings and prices are readily available and visible to students. Integrating led signage into your campus culture will make communication clearer and will increase efficiency on your campus.

K-12 schools are realizing how successful and simple it is to employ LED billboards and electronic signs to communicate with their students and the general public.
Marketing is a difficult task for many colleges. It’s difficult to know how to publicize school gatherings, sporting events, holidays, and other special occasions, especially if your administrators have little marketing experience. One of the simplest methods to publicize what’s going on at your school is to use LED signs. With little effort on your part, students and their parents will become “in the know.”
LED signage is one of the easiest ways to advertise what is going on at your school.
What is the best approach for a school to congratulate students or faculty members on their accomplishments? How do you publicize sporting events, school gatherings, dances, and fundraising events? Many schools send out e-newsletters to students and parents to relay essential information, yet many of these newsletters end up in the virtual dustbin. Because they are inevitable, LED billboards and electronic message signs for schools are extremely effective. The messaging on the LED billboards and advertising out front cannot be avoided by parents in the student “pick-up” line.

LED Message Boards -Lifetime of free technical support
Our technology is user-friendly and comes with a lifetime of free technical support in case anything goes wrong. Our customer services goes unparalleled in the market. We take great pride in providing a high touch customer service experience for customers spanning across a wide range of different industries including large-scale corporations to small businesses, churches, and schools.
We enjoy helping schools maximize the uses of led signage with an outdoor electronic sign for the school. The school cafeteria is a great spot as well as in front of the school where they can target parents and students with school announcements, spotlights of faculty and staff, and reminders about rules and safety precautions. Changing content is easy and intuitive and can be done on a daily basis! Being able to get relevant and timely information out to students and parents via LED signage is much easier than producing a newsletter with the same information. With so many varying uses, it’s no wonder that schools are catching on to led signage and all of its benefits.
For quick access to more information, support or a quote on any of our LED electronic sings for schools, please contact us, today.
